AQ Consulting, LLC

Chart-to-Bill Reviews
Review Areas Include:
Revenue Cycle
Management Process reviews
Revenue Capture
The regulatory environment
Payer challenges
Reliable, Quantifiable Results are provided
Doc Genie
Litigation Support:
AQC's professionals and experts provide authorative, objective, and credible analyses of healthcare files reviewed as part of healthcare fraud investigations.
For Hospitals and Physician Providers:
AQC has greater than 50 cumulative years experience working in the healthcare industry.
For Healthcare Litigation:
AQC provides authorative, objective, and credible analyses of the healthcare files reviewed as part of healthcare fraud investigations.
For Litigation Council:
Department of Justice AUSAs, defense attormeys, and healthcare facilities have demonstrated a high degree of confidence in using AQC's findings to make prudent determinations regarding case resolution and disposition.
Process Reviews
AQC helps clients:
Identify baseline status by department
Refine existing processes and procedures
Provide cooperation and cohesion between departments
Improve operational accuracy and efficiency
Define strategies to optimize the organizations’ and individuals' future success, profitability and vision
Provide checks and balances procedures
AQC's professionals provide in-situ education and instruction tailored to clients' needs:
- Billing
- Coding
- Compliance
- Revenue Cycle
- Process Management
Knowledge, Education, and Instruction are also provided via AQ-IQ.com.
HIM Reviews
Health Information Management
HIM Directors' Tasks and Challenges:
- Electronic Medical Records
- Compliance with HIPPA
- Human Resource Management
HIM Department Basic Management Functions:
- The 4 Basic HIM Functions
- The HIM Department and Its Roll
- How HIM Directors Function and Perform
Paula Digby comes highly recommended within the industry. Her knowledge and teaching are revered by many. Paula speaks regularly at:
- American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
- American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)
- Georgia Health Information Management Association (GHIMA), Coding Roundtable Chair
- Webinars weekly to students
- At least twice yearly elsewhere by invitation
Our Mission

AQC is Optimum Healthcare Consulting
AQC provides various process design implementation and review services to assist clientelle in all areas of Healthcare Billing/Coding/Compliance arenas.
AQC provides documentation knowledge, education, and training services thru in-situ, teleconference, and online venues.
AQC believes: Relationships are the Key
Keys to success include building and maintaining relationships, providing education, and regular communications.
Our Team

Staff and Affiliates:
Paula Digby, CCS, CPC, CPCI,
Stephanie Albright
Heather Bryans
Coder, KSU
Areas of Practice
- Billing / Coding (Chart to Bill Reviews)
- Compliance Reviews
- Health Information Management Reviews
- Process Design Reviews
- Process Design Implementation
- Documentation Knowledge Education
- Loss Prevention Education
- Income Stabilization Education
- In-Situ Education
- AQ-IQ.com Online eLearning Portal
- Coaching
- Teaching
- Speaking
Professional Associations
Under Construction
Raving Fan